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Old 08-15-2005, 09:51 AM   #5
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Posts: 526

about the overclocking.. can you really do that?.. and live.. you know.. wouldn't it kill my pc..?
Depends on how many fans you have I guess. I overclock my 2.8 to 3.6, but I have three case fans. If you just have one, it's worth upgrading to get some more, as its cheaper than getting a new processor (not necessary anyway)

But really your comp is ok. I had a hell of a time getting BF2 to run as well, but the only thing that really solved it was getting another 512MB stick of RAM.

Also consider going for a GeForce 6/7 Series

RC45 about the Z06:
It is also a cheaply made, fast to depreciate, badly service hunk of GM crap.
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