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Old 08-15-2005, 11:12 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by SPEEDKILLAR

Damn, you're just hopeless, the same attitude when defending your god Bushy boy :roll:
I guess the 1000 or so Z06's running around Europe that were imported at great expense are also owned "by bushy fans" - you are such a clueless fanboy.

Yes - you are the fanboy - by definitoin - you aimlessly defend stuff you only aspire to take pictures of, let alone drive/ride or own.

Originally Posted by SPEEDKILLAR
And WTF I care what you witnessed, PROOF is what is important here, not what you saw or heard, please take a camera with you next time when a stock vette runs against a stock Euro rival, and it better not be dragracing all the time.
How could I possibly witness every trackday event in the USA or Europe?

What you should do is go and start talking to and asking around about what the GT3. 911 and F360, F360CS etc boys have witnessed when C5 Z06's share the track with them. You may be surprised to find that they will give th car the credit it is due and confirm that it is easily an equal to them on the track - and that as always driver plays a huge roll in the outcome, but that "just because it is not a Eurocar" does not mean it is far more capable than you believe it to be.

Grow up kid,.

You are wrong.

Originally Posted by SPEEDKILLAR
I can sense a bitterness in your post that clearly shows you're a jealous cheap ass prick.
Bitter? Jealous? Why would I be? I have no need to be - unlike you that is "impressed and awed by fancy watches, cars , houses and boats" and thinks "that is the only way to enjoy life - so I should just dream of having it - because getting what you can afford is "low class"" - as I say, unlike you, I am getting on with my life, having a blast and daily drive what I can afford - and with confidence I know it is a lhell of a lot more car than you will ever aspire to "own" while dream of "rich peoples" toys

That's what differentiates men from kids - youngun.. you are still impressed by wealth - good luck to you

Originally Posted by SPEEDKILLAR
And about the 'cricket' part, I was reffering to the silence during your childhood anytime you asked your parents something
I seldom needed to ask them - I was reading at age 3 or so, and would research anything that piqued my interest - I had a library card when I was 5

Originally Posted by SPEEDKILLAR
Anyway, I stand by my opinions and I shall ignore the rest of the crap you wrote
You are wrong.

You have been proven wrong.

You are a wannabe snob and still haven't told us waht super-performing car you daily drive.

I mean the way you are defending these cars you would swear I was claiming my car beat your EDO GT2 around the Nurburgring or something.

When all I am saying is that I bought a used car for $38,000.00 that is capable of running and gunning with it's performance car peers of the day - as proven by the 7m56s 'Ring time.

And in the same vein, the C6 Z06 is more than capable of competing with it's performance car peers - proven after posting a 7m42s 'Ring time.

You seem to take offense to this accurate statement - and take even more offense to the fact that some of us are not "impressed" by displays of wealth and oppulance, and are content to get on with our lives.

It would seem that you have an aweful lot of growing up to do.
I guess the saying 'wiser with age' doesn't apply to you, are you suffering from Parkinson or something

Only a 1000 imported, hmm, that says it all :roll:

btw, love the comment "reading by the age of three" LMAO
I was reading at the age of 2 and 11 months, try to beat that chump

And I like the 'impressed with rich and famous' BS, nice try, but keep on trying old man

I am a fan of all sportscars, but I like some brands more than others, it is as simple as that. And I like the Vette, but I stand by mine opinion when saying that the vette is not at the same OVERALL level as its Euro rivals.
That's why we ever vette we see isn't stock anymore, 'cause they get their ass kicked on the track by superior cars.

I wish you the best of luck and fun with your poor mans sports car.

Anyway, you're not worth my time, don't like extremists.
Bob Woodward - State of denial

Tariq Ali - Clash of Fundamentalisms

Blaire is a figleaf

Cars are my hobby, driving them is my passion.

Originally Posted by Dan\/6
damn speedkillar, if you didnt have a title already it would now say 'robofucker' or similar
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