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Old 08-18-2005, 02:04 PM   #8
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Oslo, Norway
Posts: 377

Hi sheruken,

I will try to answer this as general as possible, and not throw you a lame sales pitch. The choice is actual fairly simple when you have decided what to print, and how much/often.
Technology have moved the capabilities of all printers a great deal, and to a certain degree one can claim that Moore's Law also applies here.

One fact has not changed; InkJet printers are unsurpassed when it comes to image quality. The new LaserJet models are rapidly closing this gap,
but do not expect to produce the same, fine and brilliant glossy result that the newer models can deliver. Furthermore, InkJet printers are way
cheeper to purchase, but more costly to use.

In between these two technologies are the Business InkJets. I visited the site you referred to and found the Business InkJet 1200.
This is a InkJet printer designed to be used more frequently than your ordinary InkJet printer. It can also be extended with an extra papertray, network, etc, etc.
But the best part is, when you use this printer in combination with HP photopaper it can produce some outstanding photos.
During a normal day you can use ordinary printing paper, and the ink on draft mode.

This is, as I see it, the best of two worlds....

But the CLJ 2550 is one hell of a bargain
have fun - or laugh trying.....
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