Thread: anyone here ?
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Old 08-19-2005, 03:59 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by dingo
How long have you guys been together?

Do you plan on having kids - imagine how beautiful they'll be! :shock:

I'm not sure I should come to Slovenia to see her - I won't ever leave!!!

Well, we've ben dating on and off for three years now.

I mean, we're constantly together, but her trips to jail take care of
the off part's of our relationship.

Kids? Well, she's been pregnant a couple of times, but because of the whore business, we were never sure if the kid was mine, so just last weeks we counted abortion number 13.

When we'll decide we'll keep the kid, I'm sure it will be a healthy, strong boy. I'm sure years of her smoking, playing wrestling during pregnancy and being a substitute for a boxing bag in an Afgan prison will not lead to any consequences whatsoever......I mean, she always said watch out for the stomach. And for most of the time people took notice..... , but hey you can't keep a good boxer down, or a prison guard for that matter....

I am haing second thoughts about you coming to slovenia, we'll need to sign somekind of a contract, so in case you fall in love you won't be bothering our life. Get it?

I'm having to much trouble as it is, trying to convince a few famous people to back off. I won't say any names, but faces like M. Jackson and
T. Cruise come to mind.
I think I also got a check from Cher. Oh, now I remember, she was one happy camper. After she left, she said it's not often she meets people that are just like her. Phisicaly and mentaly.

Honney's callin' ..........gotta run
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