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Old 12-10-2003, 09:31 PM   #5
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Join Date: Oct 2003
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Some hints for looking at old cars:
Look to see if the oil is really thick or over full. Both are tricks to make the car run better temporarily.
Check for fluids under the car.
Take a small magnet like you would use on your fridge. Rub it along the places behind the wheels that normally rust to check for painted over rust.
If the car has been recently painted or something drastic changed recently be wary.
Check that the gear box is smooth and the brakes work fine. Check the tire wear and rotor wear to see that appear normal.
When starting watch the exhaust. If anything other then steam comes out you have a sign of another problem.
Listen for knocks and pings in the engine.
Check tranny fluid for signs of burning.
Turn on and off all car electronics.

If you can bring a mechanic along to do a compression check.

Best of luck.
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