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Old 09-03-2005, 09:12 AM   #23
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The question mark that I would raise over the aero is as follows. Before the end of 2004 Ferrari had started testing their weird chin style front spoiler. When all of the other teams cars came out they had (to varying degrees) dips in the centre of the wings. All the teams were exploiting the same hole in the regulations. However only Ferrari chose to do so with the chin style front wing. Surely the other teams would have tried the Ferrari style of chins. So we can only assume that their data showed that they could get better results from a dip in the main profile of the wing. Over the last few years Ferrari have totally brained the opposition in the application of transient aerodynamics, perhaps on this occasion they stuffed up?

I just find it strange that they are the only team using that style of front wing.
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