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Old 10-11-2005, 08:42 AM   #13
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Just south of Confused
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well if i can remember my paypal username and password, i'll be glad to toss a couple bucks in.

As for the special custom titles and icons though, other than having the option of changing the Ferrari icons to something else, i'm not entirely sure. Seeing a big 'DONATING MEMBER' under user names on other forums is kind of a turn off for me. That and i wouldn't want to make other users who can't help out feel bad about it by knowing how many people have donated :bah:

Cheers to Dan for busting his ass over this place for free and of course to Jabba for doing all he could to keep JW rent free up until now. I was wondering how long he could do it

my carbon footprint is bigger than yours
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