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Old 10-26-2005, 10:08 PM   #15
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Join Date: Feb 2004
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Buy your sister

buy a "Donald Trump"

buy a monster-truck

buy your sister again

buy a bunch of brand new ZO6 corvettes

then I'd line them up and drive over them with the monster truck

probably get a dog

take a dump on the white house lawn

get the nuetered dog some fake - testicles

blaze down to Vegas in a e39 M5 - stop at the grand canyon and push it in -

having called in a hilicopter - take that the rest of the way to vegas

call up lindsay lohan - 3 straight days of huge buffet meals - shag her rotten

Just kinda wing stuff for a few days


Hahahaha - I don't work tomorrow and I've had a few - but I'm just gunna post this 8)
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