Thread: Ford GT
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Old 11-30-2005, 11:26 AM   #6
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i voted sub-zero

first, its the fastest car i have ever driven... and mabey ever will drive (tho i hope not... but there are only a handful of em that are faster... all but 3 of them i desire)
its got the looks of a historic winning race car
its faster then the race car
its terreibly impractical
its easy to drive
its the perfect driving position
its a drivers' car, no electronic nannies
"the way ferrari used to make cars"
this car will steal the attention away from any other supercar
people will drive 100mph+ on the highway to get a second glimps of this car
Its the way America does a supercar (some say its wrong, but look at the original)
i've never met a dick-head owner
i could go on, and on... this car is simply AMAZING!!!!!

i prolly should've voted cool, since thats where it will end up... but thats now how i feel about this landmark Ford street car.

Originally Posted by Chaos in 1983!
it makes 4mpg...that can't be cool...that would make like 30min on a it has a truck's engine...uncool.
4mpg... 17 gallons... 15.7 laps of Spa... going flat out, my estimate is this would be about 50 minuites
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