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Old 12-09-2005, 05:45 AM   #9
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Posts: 20

Originally Posted by bmagni
Read the RULES
Would you make up a lie about owning a smart car??? I think not, so settle.

I do own an EVO 6 and as some members have said, already proven.

Thanks for the other comments everyone. As for what the point of it is. My fiance travels about 2 kms to work and has to leave the car in an industrial area (the evo) and it gets alot of attention and with all the large trucks around its only a matter of time before the EVO gets hit, or goes missing. So basically the SMART is used to get her to work, we only need fill it like 12 times a year. To me, thats worth the funny looks you get from some people. Most girls think its cute and 99% of blokes think its a joke. I dont have to drive it or pay for it, so I am happy either way.
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