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Old 07-03-2003, 04:47 AM   #26
Posts: n/a

No Jabba, what I was referring to is a real "nutter" thats one of your guys words LOL, I mean one of the doods that work at Superbike magazine or Performance bikes... These guys define the meaning of the word. They have certifiably left the planet nutty. Shit one or two of there employees dies each year in some of there antics.
They have a trip they make each year to the bol de ore (I butchered the spelling) its a big race and drinking bing thing happens each year in France. The Superbike crew takes 4 - 5 of the fastest bikes they can get there mits on and will procede to ride from London to the other side of France at full throttle the entire way!!! Only stopping for gas.
These guys ride like that Ghostrider guy does... they only know one throttle position WFO and don't letup until there on the ground!

You Will Like these guys style I gauarntee that.... check this out LooL

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