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Old 12-25-2005, 05:38 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by jereomen
The electric door handles mean if there is ANY battery issue etc youhave to crawl into your car throught theback hatch.
This is not the case. I own a 2005 corvette. All you have to do is pop the hatch and the there is a cable you pull to open the door. No crawling involed. The keyless ignition and door locks I feel are very nice. Put the keys in your pocket walk up to the car and the doors unlock automatically get in and push a button and you are gone. Keys to my other vehicles seem like a PITA compared to the vette. It even lets you know when your keys are in the car and you are not. Of course this is just my opinion.
Obviosly not well advertised as a number of new to C6 hairdresser coupe owners (and at least one dealer ) have lamented at having to clamber through the hatch to get into the car.

By the way - how would you pop the hatch if the car was locked and the battery was disconnected/flat?

And if the Electronic Column Lock fiasco of the C5's is anything to go by, GM has an aweful track record with regard to dealing ith electronic gremlins.

Besides which, why bother with the whole elctronic door handle crap anyway ? Out of warranty repairs for gizmo laden cars are alwyas horrendous.

Autounlocking car doors are nothing new - just ask all the C4 owners with similar failed and expensive to repair auto-snapping door locks

Anywhoooo... you posted pics of your C6 in the "What you Drive" section?
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