Thread: Audi B7 RS4
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Old 02-23-2006, 06:41 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by brembo
I asked you one simple question about the weight distribution on RS Audis and you failed to tell me, you just went on a rant on how they understeer....what about putting some facts behind those statements for once.....ummm ummmm dont hitt google or anything now cuz since you come down so hard on how front heavy Audis are Im sure you know what the numbers are right or are you just a troll who dont know your shit.....I`ll give you a little hint tough.... its not that far off 50/50 chum, so your rave about understeer are way off and when the car own BMW M`s wich brag about 50/50 they have solved it nicely....going sideways aint the fastest way around a bend, but some posers like to belive it tough....

I didnt call you or anyone who posted a cunt, I called peoplw who come along post a seriously uncool vote or any vote at all without leaving an comment...try and read and understand what you read before you post....

And the day Jabba tells me this forum also are grammar school, I`ll try and not post is where it should be are and vice versa...I wonder who started to become personal.....bitch... :fist:
I doesn't matter what you say. Check out some tests of the B7 RS4 and even you will notice the understeer. Oversteer may not be the fastest way around a track but it also doesn't have to be the slowest. Many F1 drivers setup their cars for oversteer. Anywho I consider oversteer more fun than understeering out in the woods. Audis are meant to be safe cars, that's why they have 4wd and mount the engine so far ahead. That info must have reached Norway too?

Maybe your memory is short but yes you did call someone a cunt. Maybe you've already forgotten what you wrote on the first page in this topic. Getting senile are we? To refresh your mind you called someone a cunt because they didn't like this understeerer. And now calling me a bitch just becuase I don't have my "facts right". Seems kinda childish to me. Little jealous of your "big brother"? Now don't get your panties up in a bunch and get yorself all worked up so you understeer into a tree on your way to work or something. Now I understand how much fun RC45 has with you. You just have to learn to live with that not everyone can love overweight frontheavy understeeres. Have a good one buddy..
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