Thread: Audi B7 RS4
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Old 02-25-2006, 11:02 AM   #45
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Funny how your last reply illustrates how bad you can actually read.

You haven't shown any facts. I haven't seen an ounce of proof that the S4 "embarrasses" the M3 as you claim. You haven't shown any source whatsoever. I know why, there fucking isn't any! The laptimes I posted up are from a pretty reliable source. They use one driver and at least they try to get other influences out.

Funny how you claim the S4 is built to compete with the 330i, while that obviously isn't true. Pathetic how you try to defend something with such BS.

The RS4 is commented by many recommended journalists as being understeering. I've driven my fair share of Audi's, and I say that comment doesn't surprise me. That's it. IMO (pay attention...opinion) it looks boring and is AWD not the most fun when buying a performance car.

The fact that you have driven your RS2 around a track against some random BMW drivers proves absoluty nothing. Just get your head out of your ass when you talk about your so-called facts. Your opiniated bullshit is far from the truth, I'll give you that.

Oh, and I give a fuck if you called someone a cunt or not, the discussion merely illustrates the level you are talking on. LOL@you two bragging about which country has won the most medals at the Olympics. Grow up and stop whining.
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