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Old 03-26-2006, 01:33 AM   #36
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 2,610

Originally Posted by everso

to Malex and RC45:

the Veyron isn't "slow" IS the fastest production car in the world...>EVER.

your little modded Sledgehammer Corvette was a ONE OFF car, and Callaway said they could reproduce the car in 1988 for $400,000 USD (in 1988 money, that equals ALOT more now)....with no tested reliability, no useful technology other than speed, and absolutely poo thanks, it's useless as well....the 255mph was never confirmed as official either.

so i rest my case. the Veyron IS the fastest production car ever made........if you can't handle the truth....keep on making things up


If it is 'the' fastest production car in the world, with all your 'sources', can you confirm or deny the ~8min 30sec Nordschleife time? That's pretty fucking slow if you ask me, especially when the car in question has 1001hp to work with. :roll:

In addition, what do your sources say about the car over-heating, we've never gotten an answer...yes or no, does the car overheat? And I don't mean when driving in Arizona going up a hill with the a/c blasting in the middle of summer, I mean after a couple of laps at a track...

Also, has there been an outside test of the Veyron's performance yet, so we know what the car is capable of, and not what VW says its capable of (not saying they are lying, I'd just like to see it tested by an independent party).

1992 Toyota Celica GT 5spd, intake.
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