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Old 04-23-2006, 04:05 PM   #161
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Posts: 1


Is the coast clear?

A VERY rare post from me is about to commence.

What a day. I don't think I can really add anything to what has already been said but I would like to take the opportunity to thank Sameer for his kind hospitality on Friday night and RC for some tremendous research and organisation. Pulling something like this together takes a lot of time and it was a very successful meet. I had a fantastic time. To reiterate what TransAm said if any of you fancy coming up/down/across to the Dallas and Fort Worth area please let us know so we can return the hospitality!

One more thing....spending most of my time behind the Z man I didn't get to see too much of RC or James but the Z man gets my vote for the most committed, on the limit driving on the day. It was mesmerising to watch that corolla being taken to within an inch of its life and I can confirm it was cocking its rear inside wheel at every corner

Cheers guys for a great day and I will try and up my posts in the future!


[Edit] Here is a nice pic of the 997 Carrera S we were crusing with on the way to Houston...
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