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Old 04-25-2006, 03:40 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by nthfinity
anybody who says the tires are to blame for MS slowing down mid through late race is an idiot.

he is a brilliant driver, and race analyzer... with his team; they decided not to show off the bridgstones speed quite so much (he did set fastest race lap how many laps running?) as to IMO conserve the ferrari V8 for the next race... and to force Alanso to change his 2-stop stratagy into a 3 stopper!

that was brilliant; even if the coverage of the rest of the field was weak...
You got some of your facts wrong
- Alonso stopped twice not 3 times but Schumi's slow pace made Renault pit Alonso early for the second stop
- Alonso had the fastest lap... Schumi was second though

It was a fact that Michael was slow in the second stint though - his pace was nowhere near the his times in the first stint or the third stint. What was masterful was that he concealed his true speed and used it only when Renault pitted. Great work by him and his pits strategists

Here is what Pat Symonds had to say in appreciation for Ferrari's tactics:

"Tazio Nuvolari - The greatest driver of the past, the present and the future" - Ferdinand Porsche
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