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Old 04-26-2006, 11:30 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Gilles27
... and not to mention some `drivers carī features like the rigid rear axle (De Dion type?) or the 3 speed (automatic?) gearbox. Since when a pushrod based V8 can reach a 1000hp figure even turbocharging it?
Uhm since when?

Every single day - and sometimes 3 times a day .

That's since when.

You are aware that the Viper is a pushrod V10.. right? Turbo Vipers of over 1000hp are now common place - every tuner has one.

You are aware that the there are numerious 1000hp+ Chevy pushrod V8's from every tuner... right?

Before I jump to conclusions, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are not just arbitrarily bashing American pushrod engines because you hate them - but because you are misinformed..
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