Thread: RHCP are Gay!
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Old 05-04-2006, 03:27 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by SFDMALEX
Originally Posted by Toronto
RHCP have been on a downhill ride, and if this next album blows, i think it is time to but them in the hasbeen file.

it has taken them how many year to make an album?
zeppelin 1 was made is less then a week, same with the beatles please please me.
Oh show me a band these days that releases an album every year.

How has it been a downhill ride? One Hit Minute with Navaro was a downhill ride. Californication was a great record and By The Way was a good record.

And Stadium Arcadium is the fucking record.

"The Red Hot Chili Peppers’ recent shows at Hyde Park in London set a new world record as the highest grossing concert event at a single venue in music history, bringing in an astonishing $17 million. The three shows (June 19, 20 and 25) sold out within hours of going on sale, had a paying audience of 258,000 punters, bringing in $17,187,234 (approximately £9,115,282) setting a new world record. "

If thats a downhill band then I dunno who isnt.
first off the album isn't even out how do you know it is the 'shit'?
you just living off the hype,
dani california? that song is good, but it isn't better then any song on 'by the way'

as for the concert, that is like $65 a ticket per person. your telling my somone sitting @ the back of the park i gonna pay 65 bones to see ants perform? if that isn't about the money then i don't know what is?

downhill ride, you kinda answered my question
you said it your self,
californication great - by the way good - stadium arcadium is gonna be ok (imo)
great, good, ok. downhill.
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