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Old 05-21-2006, 08:19 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by exhausted mules
if you like quiet the ninja is designed for fanless operation.
Heh dispite what it might claim, it doesn't actually work very well with no fan, unless of course you got great airflow near the cpu area. And there's really no reason to run it without a fan. A nexus is dead quiet and will help considerably with cooling.

Originally Posted by DeMoN
Once I get enough money, Ill OC my X2 4400 and if it boils Ill get the FX60 or whatever.

If it doesnt break, Ill unglue it and OC. Need to read more about OClocking though.
If your 4400+ dies, get an opteron. Odds are that the FX60 costs atleast what your computer is actually worth, and it doesn't overclock much better than the opteron.

All you can pretty much do is increase the fsb or w/e they call it on the a64, htt or some shit I think. You can lower your multiplier if it gets a lot hot. You'll also need to increase the voltage, and depending on what type of cooling you have I won't recommend you go above 1.6v. Also, if you have crappy ram you'll need to change the mem divider ratio to something lower like 5:6.
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