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Old 05-25-2006, 10:31 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by JoeHahn
Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by JoeHahn
Isnt that a similar argument people make on American sports cars, more generally the Z06? Look where that got them. I dont think this car has been tested on any track, officially or unofficially. Kinda useless debating about it.

How did you come to this conclusion?
Well when it comes down to it, alot of people before the Z06 came out reckoned Corvettes handled like shit, alot of people still think that. You, valiantly defend that. Now you are on the other side of the fence accusing a car you think cant handle - when you really dont know how it handles.
Uhm - no people simply SAY the Corvette cannot handle - the truth is the 2001 and newer Corvette Z06 DOES handle very well, as shown by many many road tests, races and weekend warriors - this is not heresay or rumour it is fact - measures and proven many times over.

No debate can be endtered into this at all . It is irrefutable, just as the performance of the GT3 and 360CS is irrefutable.

People have just chosen to NOT believe the many published results.

So - now on to the Bugnasty Vagrant - many testers have stated the car is heavy and not nimble - this we know is a fact - not rumour. Certain people have also had some inside witnesses tell them the car is not a great handler.

The fact that there is no track handling laptime available is obviously because it is not a great handling car.

If the million dollar car was a great handler - magazines would have shown this to be true by now.


VW/Bugnasty/Audi would already have a Nurburgring time published and be rubbing it in the faces of other supercars if it was any good

Originally Posted by JoeHahn
Originally Posted by RC45
In a straight line


This is what every one used as a reason to hate on ALL US high-hp cars Wink

Just an observation.

And again - for 1 million bucks you would hope it could do something well
There - you just helped me with my cause.
How have I helped your cause. The only data available shows the Vagrant is only straightline toy.

However - there is much data available to show the 2001 newer Z06, GT3, 360CS, Ford GT, GT2, P911TT, Viper GTS/ACR, CGT etc are great handling cars. No speculation needed - these are published and PROVEN facts.

The Bugnasty is just an expensive freeway cruiser.
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