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Old 05-28-2006, 04:59 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by TeflonTron
Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by gangajas
The title of the topic says: 'Bugatti Veyron Standing start video'. But instead of talking about the video( :shock: ), some of you only use this topic to critizise every single aspect of the Veyron.... :roll:
Correction - we use the thread to observe that while the car displays fast acceleration (and with 4WD and automatic transmission and launch control and traction control no less) and this acceleration demo shows it takes no skill to drive this expensive video game, we are asking what about the other areas of performance..

But never you mind - because the Veyron is the greatest auto since autos were invented.

It's the fastest, coolest, most exclusive, most expensive. rarest best hangling auto of all time.
It was you who derailed the thread, not anyone else, yet you feel the need to try and palm off your actions on someone else. You show your true colours again: that or someone who cannot argue reasonably so instead resorts to throwing his toys out of the pram.
No - people like you derail these threads. See above - yet again.

Originally Posted by TeflonTron
Every single thread that isn't about the Z06 you troll and try and whip up controversy and slam the car for being too expensive, or that the owners are too snobbish, and then when you get called out you whine and tear like a little girl and try and pin the blame on someone, anyone, but yourself.
Does the cheap plastic Z bother you that much that YOU have to actualy bring it up in every thread you enter?

Just because I dont share your opinion it is wrong - yet you are free to argue your opinion where ever you want? Look how you are derailing this thread AGAIN with shit you are bringing up.

Originally Posted by TeflonTron
You need to take a long hard look at yourself before throwing wild accustaions around at others, myself included.
This is hilarious - you actually went out of your way to accuse me of derailing a thread by accusing me of bringing up stuff I didn't - yet you bring them up as "proof I brought them up? WTF? Is your entire lief a soap opera? hehe

Some of us are trying to relax and enjoy this forum - you must really be one of the most uptigth personalities ever to log onto the interwed... you're goign out of your way to drum up controversy - whew talk aboutobsessed

Originally Posted by TeflonTron
This is a thread about the Veyron and it's standing start, as shown in the video, nothing more. If you can't deal with that like the adult that you're supposed to be then why don't you go elsewhere?
What has asking where the other indicators of performance are got to do with "dealing with" anything?

Its a video for gods sake.

What is there to deal with? Its not like it s the result of an election, or a solicitors letter or some other real life event - Its a video for chrissakes - whats to "deal with"?

But you know what big boy - I forfeit - YOU WIN!! What ever you say goes.
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