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Old 05-28-2006, 05:29 PM   #45
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Posts: 618

Are you an idiot? You were the one talking shit about the Veyron, not anyone else. It was you who started slamming it. Do you understand that?

No, the cheap plastic Z06 doesn't bother me, and it doesn't interest me either, but you can't accept that, can you? You're a fucking Troll. A glorified Troll and then some, and I'm surprised that you haven't been banned. You're bitching about the Veyron whilst at the same time holding onto your precious little "facts" about a certain other car. As I said at the begining of this thread, the Veyron owner is not THAT interested in its cornering speed, but you hang on to that like a little terrier that knows no better. Oh, it's an overweight pig you cry, oh it's overpriced you wail, oh it's not that great a car you bitch... Your way of argueing is old, boring and lame. Get a new way of thinking and maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to open up that think cranium of yours and get down off of your high horse. However, you won't do that. Instead you'll call me an angry person, yaddad yadda, but that's fine. I'm used to people like you.
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