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Old 06-14-2006, 11:46 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by insane
As for the new car. I've never really been very into this car. I've also heard a lot of bad things about its handling and I don't even like the looks.
That opinion originated from people with very average driving ability (and from people playing Gran Turismo) judging "handling" by what the car feels like to them.
Alot of people aren't used to driving cars where you are down low, and towards the back(the viper has a long hood).
Where as in a Ferrari, you sit alot more forward.
There is a hidden sense of the car pivoting around a certain point. If you're in a Viper that point will be forward of you, and if you're in something else, it will be on or to the rear of you.
It makes for an entirely different driving experience.

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