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Old 06-16-2006, 10:34 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by dutchmasterflex
Originally Posted by RC45
There was a docu on TV a few years back showed this and much more.

I mentioned it in a post years ago, but people just accused me of being a commie hating yank who did not know shit.

Even worse than what the pictures show, is that school childern are taught that the Korean war is still waging, and that the US and South Korea (and the rest of the west) have nukes massed on the border and are about to attack at any minute - therefore you must pledge to be willing to kill Americans if called upon because they are/were the agressors and this war will not end until we anihilate them. (paraphrased - but essentially the curriculum)
Education is probably one of the worst types of warfare.. I can just imagine how much tainted "history" is getting implanted into the minds of those children in NK.

My parents are products of the US education systems that were imposed during the days of the Philipine-American war...
The Philippines never went to war with the Americans... this country is the most well-known US testicle licker in history.
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