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Old 06-28-2006, 09:09 PM   #11
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These questions are pretty circumstantial and one-sided. Good for a laugh and little else

I mean take your Candidate B for instance. I know of several politician's and their sons who are like this in India. Worthless good-for-nothings. Just because there is a one in a million guy who has these characteristics and still comes out good does it mean the remaining dregs of the earth should also be looked up to? Should we be looking for opium addicts to elect as the Prime Minister/President?

Example - there are 500 murderers locked up in a high security prison. Historically speaking if one murderer was pardoned by the Governor and let out for good behaviour does it mean the other 499 should be let loose also just because one bad egg came good?

Basically I think it is right to judge a person on his or her attributes but wrong to take this judgement and extrapolate to others just because one or two variables are the same. To a thinking man, this is really stupid.

Daggernite, please don't misunderstand I am not criticizing you ... I sm critical of people who come up with these nonsense ideas.

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