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Old 07-11-2006, 09:13 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by nejcdolinsek
Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by SCarrier11
Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by SCarrier11
JOLIET, Ill. -- Why would Juan Pablo Montoya trade Monte Carlo and Melbourne for Darlington and Martinsville -- and likely take a pay cut in the process? Montoya, who won the Indianapolis 500 in 2000, will try to translate his open-wheel success to NASCAR.

The Formula One star said he's looking for a more enjoyable atmosphere and a new racing challenge, and thinks he'll find it in NASCAR next year.

"It's not how many millions you're making or how much money you're making," Montoya said at Chicagoland Speedway on Sunday. "It's a matter of, three years down the line, are you going to be excited at what you're doing or not? And three years down the line, when I look at my career, I'll be a lot happier doing this."
Says likely - not will.. so it is just as unlikely he will - NASCAR has no salary caps and in fact most all NASCAR payouts (salary, endorsements and contingency monies) are kept very confidential.

It is said only the Team Owners, Drivers and the IRS know the enormous amount these guys collect in total...
you were wrong so just give it up and move on ... but i highly doubt you will
Wrong how?

He is going to bank more money now than when he drove F1.

No matter what he says ..

Time will prove me correct - but if you guys want to believe you have the real facts knock yoursleves out.

Lets talk again in 1 years time
RC, seriously, just knock it off. Your knack for arguing BS is starting to annoy me.
Annoy you? So? Like you are God and get to choose what gets posted and what does not.

It is nice how every single time clowns like you have a "different" opinion, then anyone esle with an opposing opinion should just shut up and go away.

Well screw you chum. You are starting to annoy me. (see I can throw stones just like you do)

Originally Posted by nejcdolinsek

For final evidence click on this link:
Montoya will take a pay cut to leave F1 and return to his former boss...
No do us all a favor and STOP!
Kiss my arse.

He is going to end up taking home more total pay than when he did as an F1 driver. Bring this topic back in one year and you will see I, not you, was right

Besides that - you and your posse still ahven't proven that on average, NASCAR drivers don't earn more than F1 drivers.

But I guess this is where we learn that only your opinion counts.
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