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Old 07-16-2006, 10:00 AM   #39
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Richmond, BC, Canada
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I thought it was a pretty good race. Massa working to keep Alonso at bay in the first stint, seeing how Michael's 3 stop would play out to Alonso's 2, watching Pedro try to work his way through the field, Kimi nearly nicking Alonso for 2nd place before having to come in for what looked to be an unscheduled stop due to a fuel delivery error on the previous stop, seeing that Midland get the nose pointed a the sky haha, and just watching Michael work that 248F1 to the bone and squeezing an incredible amount of pace out of it.

As far as this season goes, it was one of the better races IMO.

Oh yea, and how the Japanese powers have shifted... Honda qualifying down in the ass end of the field, losing both cars in the race, while Toyota qualifies well and ends up with a 4th place finish, and a car that was fighting for the podium before having to retire.
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