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Old 07-17-2006, 08:20 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by ZfrkS62
Originally Posted by Minacious
Hahaha, I never sleep. Go to bed at 3:30-4:00am and wake up at 6:30-7:00am, every single day, even on weekends. A few of those days I never even make it to sleep. My body is quite used to it now. Even with such a low amount of sleep, I am not hampered by fatigue. Ah the glory that is Insomnia.
until your repressed personality starts sleep walking and starting a terrorist orginaization that is plotting to blow up all the credit card buildings and erase the debt record
Haha, nice.

Right now is a perfect example of how sometimes I never make it to sleep. It is 5:20am here is SoCal and I need to be at school in 2 hours (7:30-4:20). I never even thought about sleep. I've been sitting in front of the computer animating all night. For joy, for joy.
Ed - Trekkie women are HOT! (A Trekkie for life)
Manic-Depressive and my head hurts.
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