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Old 07-26-2006, 11:35 PM   #1
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Default Zfrk HAS moved! (trip's over, long post, pics later)

At the end of August, i will be packing up and moving back home to Seattle, Washington.

2 years of living in Cajun Country, and almost 5 years away, it's time to go back. Mainly though, things between my girlfriend and i can't go much further if we can't see each other more than 2 or 3 times a year. (she's in oakland, Ca). She's moving up there with me Summer of 07 to attend grad school.

While it's been fun living away from home, i've finally kind of become homesick as well. As much as my family irritates me, i do kind of miss them, and my dog....

I'm not sure if i'm taking the Yoda or not. If i don't, i'll probably borrow my step dad's 95 Ford Taurus until i can buy another Z.

I'll be taking I-10 to I-5, but circumventing Los Angeles i think by 210 or 510...i'm not sure which one it is, but i traveled it when i drove from Phoenix to Seattle a couple years ago.

I'll let you know when exactly i'll be on the move

my carbon footprint is bigger than yours
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