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Old 08-07-2006, 07:24 PM   #25
Pimp Racer
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Originally Posted by nthfinity
Just my 2 cents of course. I'm no Mac lover, but i'm not a hater either. Peace man
not a hater, but i seriously wonder why anybody would even want a macintosh; as no reason has made sence thus far.

PC's do the same things...... PC do the same things better, and faster.... PC's do more things..... PC's are cheaper.... PC's are more upgradable....... PC's run better (although mac addicts will disagree; but I have not had a blue screen of any sort since i built the XP rig here in 2002)
In all honesty I want a MAC laptop for school work and also the fact that its very thin just under one inch. I when I buy one wont use OSX or Windows and probably just install Fedora or one of them distros depending on what would be best for the laptop.

As I said I just want one because they are lowprofile and just clean rather than windows laptop.

Rite now I am seriously thinking wether to get a Thinkpad X60s or a Mac book.

I want a widescreen monitior why I cant get the Thinkpad but I also want two god damn mouse button rather than just one! There are also a few other issuse that are making me think about getting a X60 or MAC but software is definetley not one of them now considering I can Install Linux or Windows on them. I might just hold off and get one till the new Windows and new Mac software comes out so my hardware will be up to date since I know Vista is a damn killer on hardware requirements! Currently only 3 of my 20 or so PC's and laptops meet vista requirements! :cry:
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