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Old 08-07-2006, 07:49 PM   #35
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Why bother doing that. You'll either say Vista will have it in a few years time, dismiss it as fluff or some other BS.

If you can write with a pen I was also guessing you also turn on a dumb-as-fuck Mac.

This is so hilarious... SFDMALEX is a closet Mac user. Who would've thunk?
Originally Posted by SFDMALEX
You know what, suck a dick about it. I just knew you where gonna say some bullshit like that.

First show me your mac doing something better then my PC, take a picture of it. And then maybe Ill bother with turning on the G4. The IBM and hell knows what else and take a picture of that.

I do use a clone.
Here it is

And that CRT is temporary, because I just placed an order on one of these

And I will take a picture of it when it arrives, just for you
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