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Old 08-08-2006, 11:24 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Toronto
i have to diss-agree,
the best audio will always be an LP with a good cartridge.
digital audio will always place 2nd to true audiophile

now, on to the portable players.
if you play have WAV files on your iPod it will sound just as good as a WAV file on any other player.

itunes does not support FLAC or SHN (common lossless files) but does support Apple Lossless (MP4). and with plenty of head to head test, many have seen that the apple lossless is up to par if not better then FLAC with most audio files.

now if you want to talk about DVD-A and super audio discs. how many people can hear the diff. between 16-and 24bit? do you want to know how small the % of the population it is. its a joke, people who buy this, are just like some suck boy walking around telling everyone he has a bigger dick.

in the end for music, vinyl is the best.
but the for portable players the iPod is best out there. simple. easy to use. good bank for you buck in HD size. only thing other players have is fm-tuner built in, and flac support.

nowt this was way off topic... sorry
Sure but maintaining vynil is PITA and you know it. If you want to go for the high end you gotta bust out a few grand in a player, replace the cartridge now and then, besides, all the wear and tare on the vynil. And how much stuff can you get on vynil anyway?

I got some new DM stuff on vynil but this is limited print singles and stuff.

And yes I can hear the difference between 16 bit and 24 bit. My dad has been an audiophile since his early days and Ive just been raised to have good ears.

Its a joke?

And I guess I go telling everyone I have a bigger dick
High-End anything is for 5% of the population. So the argument of why bother when few can hear it is useless.
The general population thinks that watching an LCD TV on your low resolution RF cable source stretched out and pixilated, or your plasma and hell knows what is high end television
Where I personaly have not seen shit any worse.

In the end for music vynil is simply not realistic anymore. It's just not practical, hard to get and maintan.

Besides all the new vynils that they make today are made from a digital source in the first place. So that totaly defeats the purpose of vynil. So whats the point when even the new vynil releases are made from a digital source?

And if you really want to get into it then studio reels would be the HIGH END.

I never heard one, but I do remeber the boxes and boxes of reel tapes my dad had back in the shit hole USSR. You see he ripped vynil to reel tapes in the 70s, something that was worhy of a jail sentence back then
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