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Old 08-08-2006, 01:54 PM   #1
Pimp Racer
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Default How do I make my own FTP based site?

Well I decided to update my sitelast week. Then I saw how much damn ads there are on it and that I also wanna redesign the whole thing. So last nite I searched for like 2 and a half hours looking for free website hosting. I found a few decent ones and some that just sucked. I finially found one that meets my requirements wouldnt let me add my own custom CSS or anything. So I was pissed about wasting all the time.

Then I figured why not host the site off my own computer? I have a quite a few computers just lying around collecting dust so I can use one of them as my servers.

So in other words I want to know can I host my website off of an FTP server that I made for free? IF so how do I do it and what do I need? I just need to know how to get the page online then once I get that done I can update the site myself and what not. Please someone help me! Thanks very much.
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