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Old 08-16-2006, 12:12 AM   #20
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There are many people who have more "ability" than Hendrix did, but I feel that he is so highly regarded because he died young, and was central to that era, the same way that The Beatles were to theirs, and Elvis was to his, etc. As for Buckethead, he has recorded HUGE amounts of music, and almost all of it is innovative, but the problem with that, as I already said, is that most people can't get over his weirdness, and for that he will never be a legend to the mainstream. Yngwie Malmsteem is in the same boat, as is Michael Angelo Batio: both are incredibly talented, but they will pretty much always be seen as Shredders who do nothing but wank over their guitars, so to speak.

I've always been a fan of Buckethead: way before he joined Guns N' Roses. His stuff as "Cobra Strike" was intense.
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