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Old 08-21-2006, 11:38 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by TeflonTron
"that's life bub" is not an answer to "how would you feel if this happened to your children?" now is it?
Thats life is an answer - it simply means "thats life" - if they see it so be it.

You just dont accept that as an answer - not my problem now is it?

Originally Posted by TeflonTron
Let me just say this: I hope that your family are safe and don't end up in a horrible crash where the burn to death, as I'll make sure to send you high res pictures of them every day: from the morning after, through the funeral and for years to come.
See - now thats just you being a fucking idiot to even suggest that "images posted online" is even close to "sending them images for years to come".

That demonstrates just how arbetrary you are making this.. and turning into an argument... thereby defeating any hope of respect for the deceased.

It is possible to have respect for the dead and see them you know.
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