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Old 09-12-2006, 01:06 AM   #24
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I think Schumacher is to F1 what Michael Jordan is to Basketball.

There are stars out there with talent, sure. but none of them have that flair that these legends brought to their respective sports.

Basketball is still looking for someone to captivate the fans the way Jordan did, and F1 is going to be in the same position.

Sure, Alonso was on fire early on in the season, but he's cooling off now, and that's not going to help him achieve anything. And his reputation now is split as it is.

Kubica is up and coming and has been turning heads all year. And really, he may be entering at just the right time. The only thing that remains to be seen is wether or not he can captivate people the way Michael has. My guess is no.

Kimi, hewouldbeablethelikelycandidateifitwasn'tforthefac tthathispressconfrencesallsoundedlikethis.

the list goes on, but the fact is, we may be waiting for a long time before someone steps into his shoes and tries to fill them.

which kinda sucks, because it's not as if he blindsided everyone with this announcement. I think everyone saw it coming :bah:

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