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Old 12-29-2006, 03:55 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by dutchmasterflex
ahh.. the power of Linux
no.. the power of Windows to make the PC periferal market inot a billion dollar industry by having USB be the defacto standard..

...and then have Sony love money more than life itself so they decided to support the standards instead of make new ones and sell more consoles

If it wasnt for cheap USB devices the PS3 would be a bust - but there are so it isnt..

Feel free to call me "PS3 FanBoy #45"..

BTW, last night I was ranked 20th in GTHD Drifiting with the 599..

Power of Windows my ass.. Any other OS that had a monopoly on the PC market would of made USB standard because they werent asking for tons of royalties that Apple was for using Firewire.

Any OS coming out of Microsoft, including the one on the 360, will be a pig.
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