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Old 01-08-2007, 12:18 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by LEXION
Well, how is he supposed to replace his CGT if no one knows the movie.....On all the boards I visit, this is the first one I saw this movie beeing talked about, and on the Myspace page , he has only 100 friends....I dont know how many people know about this movie. If you remember, when Fast and Furios Tokyo Drift appeared, everyone knew about the movie months ahead.
What I mean is "no they don't need to promote it" - as in please don't promote it.

I and others DON'T want this kind of crap turning people against sports cars, the way the general public is againast sport bikes.

So when I say they don't need to promote it, it's not because every one already knows about it, it's because no one knows about it - and we should keep it that way.

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