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Old 01-20-2004, 09:18 PM   #10
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Default Re: American and European....two different ways??

Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by ported_head
i just love american muscle cars..i really do.... but why do americans build cars that are frankly well just any good for the straight line. europeans on the other hand make cars that are powerful.. go fast in the straight line and around corners and i believe that's where all the excitement is. european cars are also very beautiful, while the americans somehow just keep harking back to their muscle car era..which did produce some very good looking cars...but where is the creativity. also european cars are very technologically advanced..while some american cars till sometime back were still using pushrod engines.

now some of you will mention the viper...which is a very fine car..and it corners very well too...and i absolutely love no doubts there. but the vette..i dont think so..i remember reading an article about alistair mcrae..where he was fond of the vette till he drove one that is.

just looking for people's opinions...dont want it to be a flame thread.
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