Thread: PS3 price cut
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:44 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by TNT
Originally Posted by RC45
I have used my PS3 more in the short time I have had it, than I have used the XBox360 over the last year.

Other than PGR3 and a few games of Fight Night3, the Xbox has not lived up to its hype.

The PS3 is useful and usable as a web browser, BluRay player and gaming system.

I'm upgrading the 20GB harddrive to a 120GB one this evening.. I can't even attach a USB device on to the XBox360. Oh - and no 1080p support either

ummm what are you talking about, i can understand that if you don't play one system over the other, but there is really only one game that is holding the hype of the 360 and that is Resistance. but even that nothing hasn't gotten the greatest reviews. Also a lot of games that were going to be just for the PS3 aren't anymore. Sony is going to fall.
What I am talkign about is how the XBox360 has not lived up to the hype - it is not the entertainment device M$ claimed it would be, even almost a year after I bought it there is nothing you can do with it besides play games.

No web browsing, no backup ability, no external hard drive support, no keyboard support etc etc etc.

After careful analysis it turns out to be ntohing more than a very expensive XBox.. which is a pity, as it could have been the hub of home entertainment, much like the PS3 is turning into.

The upside is that the XBox360 sees so little use it may end up lasting longer than the PS3 - if only because its never actually turned on...
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