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Old 03-24-2007, 01:58 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Ghostbat
Originally Posted by HeilSvenska
Originally Posted by Made in the USA
Top Gear has gone from being a great car show to a scripted bunch of terrible crap that barley has anything to do with cars at all anymore. And of course that makes since why it now has the best ratings ever. The masses of people always like crap over real content.

2005 was the last season that the show was any good at all. Its utter rubbish now and should go off the air. Or they should just stop trying to pretend it has anything to do with cars and just let those 3 idiots clown around for an hour once a week.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Simon Cowell took over as a “silent” director/ producer in 2006 because the show now has a cheap, cheesy, low brow fell like all the other shows and music that loser is involved with!

RIP Top Gear, you have already been dead for a long time!
Psh. If you don't like it, don't watch it.
I think he's entitled to an opinion. Unfortunately it's correct that TG has gone from a car show to something slightly different. I also think that's kinda sad and would like to se more focus on cars.
I kind of feel the same way, I miss the old Top Gear. Nowadays the jokes are quite montonne and predictable, some of the features are pointless and utter rubbish, I watch the show for those few classic moments which have become quite rare ever since the proclaimed "change" which took place 2 seasone ago.
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