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Old 07-05-2007, 02:09 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by mrmojo77
Originally Posted by ae86_16v
I just played w/ my friend's. Bottom line it is pretty damn cool.

The touchscreen is definitely very cool. Screen was very sharp and clear, and I was amazed at the clarity. The UI was also very cool and OS X like, very intuitive.

I came from a Treo and currently using a Motorola Q, and the iPhone makes both of those look like they are ages old, like last generation technology.

With that said, I do a fair amount of texting and emailing, and I still built that the physical keyboard has the iPhone beat in that regard. The predictive part about the iPhone typing is pretty accurate and is about 99% correct. But personally I prefer the tactical feel of the keyboard.

Another problem with it is that AT&T's EDGE speed is ridiculously slow. Think 56k and even slower. Haha. Coming from 3G's Treos and Moto Q on Sprint's EV-DO network, that is just not acceptable. It is barely usable, I guess if you are using it for just email it is okay, but you can forget about any type of content what so ever.

All in all, very good first effort, the screen and touch technology might be worth it alone. For me the price isn't that bad on the phone, could be $100 cheaper, but it is the monthly plan that would kill me.

Good thing is that Apple again has pushed the envelope higher again for competitors. I love Palm and all but they really gotta step up their game now if they wanna stay in business.
So it is not 3G? That's strange. I'm interested about iPhone more on the technological side, because it seems like a very tigh package of hi-tech. Nokia N95 was critisized over it's poor battery life. I'm sure we'll hear about iPs battery soon, if it has the same problem.
Originally Posted by evoWalo
it isnt 3g cause almost all of the US of A is on an EDGE network. 3g penetration isnt there yet and it would zap the battery.

i expect the Euro and Asian iPhone to have more of the bell and whistles. when i do my internship in the US it would be one of the items i'd probably buy.
Yup exactly. First of all AT&T's HSPDA barely have any coverage in the US. EDGE is more wide spread but it is awefully slow. I am currently using Sprint's 3G which is based on CDMA's EV-DO network and works really well and has plenty of coverage.

Steve also said they picked EDGE because it saves battery, so it would be interesting to see when they launch in Europe will it be 3G or not, my bet is that it will.

Bottom line is that AT&T's network can't handle the extra bandwidth and it doesn't have enough coverage. Even their EDGE network was knocked down for about 30mins - 1 hour on the weekend because of too many people logging on.
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