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Old 07-06-2007, 11:48 AM   #1
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Default Unnamed J.J. Abrams movie "Cloverfield"

There's a teaser trailer for an unnamed movie during the showing of Transformers.

It shows what seems to be an amateur cameraman filming some guy's going-away party. Suddenly the ground shakes and reports of an earthquake are on the tv. They hear something loud, and go outside on a terrace to see a huge ball of explosion destroying the city of NY. Flying debris hit buildings everywhere and the partiers run out to the street only to find a pandemonium of people running away for cover. They shout about something coming there way etc...

My initial guess was that it's another Godzilla/Gojira movie.
1. The party was for a guy who was going to Japan, and they were eating a lot of sushi.
2. The loud booming noise sounded a lot like a roar of an animal (or a monster).
3. And the people running away say that it was alive and coming their way.

Now that I thought of it, it could be an American adaptation of another Japanese movie. I mean, Godzilla sucked. Some people thought it was for a Voltron movie. That would be frightening.
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