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Old 08-08-2007, 04:07 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by dani_d_mas
Damn, the most exciting F1 weekend of the year and I'm on vacation :roll:

After catching up, watching vids (of the spanish press, the best ones LOL! :roll: ) and reading articles... seems that F1's Lance Bass has signed his way off McLaren for 2008. What a fucktard. If I were Ron Denis, I would fire F1's Lance Bass inmediately, and compete with Gary Paffet or De La Rosa for the rest of the season. Afterall, this is way worse than the reason why Ron fired Montoya last year :bah:

Rumours? Jean Todt saying that they won't sign F1's Lance Bass while he's on charge. And I don't see Hamilton going to Italy next year either. Seems like a very bad move by F1's Lance Bass... no one wants a whinny bitch in his team like the spaniard, and I think he'll have trouble to find a winning car for 2008 :roll: :fuck:
I think that Alonso has a much better image than Hamilton in the paddock of F1. Most of the drivers can't stand Hamilton because of the privileges that he recieves from his team and the FIA and also because he didn't want to become a member of the GPDA. And you have to remember that his attitude has put his team in troubles at least three times this season (Autralia, Monaco and Hungary).

And the team managers know that Alonso is nowadays the best driver of the grid developing a car, they also now that Hamilton copies Alonso's set-up and that when he has done his own set-up, his performance has been mediocre (British GP).

Teams like BMW would be very happy having Alonso in their line up.
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