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Old 09-07-2007, 01:01 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by acmarttin
Originally Posted by TNT
yeah i do a powerbook G4 1.67GHz and i am happy with it but when i am working some larger files in PS or Illstrator it takes a while to do some affect/sizing/whatever.
Yo TNT I've got the same chip in my 17'' (originally came with 512 MB RAM right?)

I'm a graphic designer (production artist) and if you're using the CS3 suite upgrading the RAM isn't going to help much. I tried upgrading my machine and I was getting piss poor results. My art director told me it's because the CS3 suite was optimized for the Intel chips and the G4's even G5's are coughing up blood. When I upgraded to CS3 I thought the slow rendering speed was just because of my outdated mac, too. The brand new machine I use at work with the Duo 2 chip has no trouble running CS3 and it only has 1 gig of ram - my boss' computer has 2 gigs and there's no noticeable difference.

If you're running CS2 then it's totally worth it. It just sucks if your job demands you use the latest version :cry:

yeah on this laptop i am still on CS2 i wasn't planning on upgrading b/c i have played around with CS3 and its not worth the upgrade, yet. but yes its at 512mb right now. i also am a graphic designer (officially in dec.) but i was working on a flash site for graduation and its just bogging down and i am like come on you lazy SoB.
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