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Old 09-10-2007, 03:11 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by coloradosilver
Originally Posted by philip
If she plays her cards right she may end up rich, as long as she can continue to make fun of her self and doesnt mind looking as dumb as dirt.

Jessica Simpson and Britney are already too old, the public is demanding someone new.

She could be it.
I can't stand that being ignorant and flat out stupid can be a profession. It should be illegal to earn money from being mentally deficient.

This girl (along with many others in the public eye) don't have the brains to be sewing soccer balls in pakistan with the 12 year olds. Nevermind actually being a contributing member of society.

Its really a slap in the face to those of us that have had to work our asses off in school and work to earn what we have.

I know it's the sad truth that this is just how it is, but it still pisses me off.

Maybe we could round all these girls up and keep them somewhere and use them for mating purposes or something.

But they definitely shouldn't be glamorized.

Does this mean that the majority of our society are just as dumb, to drive the popularity of somebody as stupid as she is? I hope not!
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