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Old 09-25-2007, 06:03 AM   #33
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ok.... a few hours in.... "training matchmaking" isn't that good.... too generic with too much swords, hammer things, and "juggernaught" and "oddball" type games.... where are the capture the flags for those? I haven't read a thing yet...

Solo campaign.... graphics are UNBELIEVABLE well, they are believable that they are a game but VERY good.... game play.... goofed up buttons, would make it dificult for me to currently be satisfied going through in "hard" mode... so easy for now

Not much in the area of cut scenes yet... but I have to call it a morning. So I cant spoil what I don't know... I guess that makes the first level HUGE The Brutes are 3 parts better, 1 part worse.... but when allying with the Elites, that changes things I guess...
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