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Old 10-05-2007, 01:02 AM   #12
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I just traded Forza 2 for this game outright with my friend at work and I think I got the better end of the deal. At least I enjoy this game much more than I enjoyed Forza 2.

Some things that kind of annoy me about the game though are the steering - as was mentioned above. After I had played a little bit I started to feel as if there were some kind of steering assist or braking assist or something. Like I was on medium gravel and the co-driver said "left 3 cut" and I hit the brakes thinking - oh man I'm going to hit that tree soooooo f'n hard - because I was going like 110 mph. But the car just STOPPED and even turned in a little bit - but there wasn't any bank to the turn.

But it turns out there aren't any assists besides auto transmission. Kinda odd.

Also for 360 it seems like some of the trees in the environment don't render fully as fast as your car moves so as you're flying through the forest at a fast pace you get kind of a nauseated feeling.

Still better than Forza Poop. What a letdown that game was
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