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Old 12-27-2007, 09:40 PM   #197
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Not to mention the Gen II ACR got compared to the Z06/Porsche/Mustang etc
Your so close but just not quite there.
The ACR will be compared to the Z06.. And it will better the Z06. IT wont be compared to the ZR1 for one reason.. The same reason without testing the car you know the ACR will be the better track car.. Because GM has a completely different target audience. I will bet there will be a comparo.. but I also will bet it will spell out in bold letters at the begining that they are two completely different types of cars so your decision isnt which is better.

The reality is.. if this was a fanboy arguement it would be excuses after the fact when the ZR1 loses. Since we are talking about it before it even happens that means we are all admiting it isnt designed to win that type of battle... Otherwise the fanboy would say the viper would get its ass beat.... Design versus excuse... JMHO

You call it trolling I call it not wasting my time with someone that cant understand a simple thing like a Vette/Viper comparo or has the ability to abstain for condesending rebuttals...If he gets at me on that level I will respond in kind....
I have no dog in this thing here but I do feel the need to comment. Neither of you are being called out for mudslinging. If Issac called you out for slinging names and not RC45 Id actually side with you. However this is not what was sighted. What was cited is that you openly admited to not reading Pauls response.

People get hot in arguements.. sometimes they name call. This place has a rather high tolerance for that (regardless of you or I's opinion on that). It does not have a high tolerance for doing it without even reading the other persons post. Its a suttle nuance but one you should pick up on. Stick around.. I may not agree with you, but youve entertained me through this boring holiday.
Common Sense- so rare it's a super power.

Last edited by graywolf624; 12-27-2007 at 09:52 PM.
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